Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Journey Begins

Hello everyone, or nobody yet, just a little something to get this thing started. My name is Patrick Lanman I live in a small town in central New Hampshire full of wooded areas, hiking trails, and places to just plain get lost in the woods. It's here, from the fire wood pile, and anywhere else I can get it, that I gather materials for my passion and craft, carving spoons from green wood. I've been carving spoons for a couple of years now, some two hundred or so now, I've sold a bunch, given a bunch away, and kept a bunch. I've had the idea to start writing about it for a while now, because quite frankly I can't shut up about spoons and handcraft, but a crazy life with a young family has kept me at bay. Now as my skills have developed and interest in my spoons have grown I've been inspired to join the blogosphere, and start adding my thoughts on spoons and handcraft and their place in the world. I've been amazed at what a online community is out there for traditional craft, kind of ironic, I'm an avid reader of blogs by craftsmen such as Jarrod StoneDahl, Peter Follansbee, Barnthespoon, and handtool furniture maker and craftsman Tom Fidgen.

........So with their lead I begin lots of posts and pics to follow...

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